
Here is my cousin and myself conducting our study.

Goat poo is not nearly as smelly as Dog Poop. I conducted a study at the Beacon Hill Petting Zoo which shows that dog poo is two times more smelly than miniature goat poo! My cousin and I surveyed 32 people and we found that Dog Poo is 2x more smelly than goat poo.

Here are the procedures we used for our study:

  • Collect a fresh bag of dog poo (Golden Lab) & miniature goat poo (from the Children’s petting zoo) in sealable plastic bags in roughly equal quantities.
  • Put in non-see through bags.
  • The interviewer will NOT know which bag each type of poo is in. Her assistant and data collector will put the plastic “poo” bags in labeled brown bags that will obscure the participants view of the poo.
  • Interview location will be the Beacon Hill Petting Zoo.
  • We will try to get in between 20 & 40 people to take our study.



We ended up surveying 32 people at the beacon hill children’s farm we asked them the above questions. Here is a summary of the results:

  • TJillian-Petting-Zoo2he average “smelliness” rating for the Dog Poo sample was 3.8 out of 5, with 1 being no smell and 5 being extremely smelly. The most common rating for the Dog Poo was 4, and middle rating was also 4. You could see it in people’s faces that they did not enjoy the smell of bag “A”.
  • The average “smellines” rating for Goat Poo sample was 1.5 out of 5, with 1 being no smell and 5 being extremely smelly. The most common rating for goat poo was 1, and the middle number was also 1. After the smelly Dog Poo, many participants took more time sniffing at bag “B” as there was so little smell from the Goat Poo.
  • 69% of participants are of voting age…
  • 16% of participants live in the municipality of Saanich…
  • 44% of participants are dog owners…
  • Here is a copy of the survey data: http://goo.gl/HSK3Ix


Written by Jillian McCue

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